
Saturday, March 31, 2007




cola...yes cola...her name is cola

my not-too-shy-but-real-shy cousin

home sweey home

Friday, March 16, 2007

hey ppl....right now i'm sooooooooo bored inside the airport..i got nothing to do...erm i jux called tanpeng and talked to her, jasmine and alex....and then i noticed this free internet access...hehe... i'm in Gate 44...jux right in front.. hope i wont be late for the plane...

so take care ppl...will be back in 2 weeks ... hope i can enjoy my holiday...Ciao =)

went to Sentosa today with church frineds.. very tireing and V. hot....

ysd went out to buy some japanese stuff for my cousin.. the one and only cousin who likes jap stuff and who's a non-stop eater... went to work afr tt...i saw the handsome-yet-gay guy today..he's really very handsome lah...but y he acted so gay... i asked him to replace me on sunday for work and he agreed... sooooo handsome lor the face haha...

i'm will be going off in prox 4 hours time...yayayayayayay....

Thursday, March 15, 2007

yay yay yay....!!!!! i'm going back ..WO~~~~

tml i'm going out to get some stuff for my cousin...and i have to work in Regent... fri our cell will be going to Sentosa...happy days...~~~!!! wonderful life...God is good....hehe

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

i'm going to TP anyway....no more NYP









































Monday, March 12, 2007

today i wathed the korean movie called i'm a cyborg but that's ok... casted by Rain and a ghostly Korean girl..the movie was dumb and unrealistic..but quite funni..plus Rain is Cute..!!~~~

ysd i worked in Regent till 3 am...and i was scolede 4 times by the stupid-dumb-ass-captain...FOR NOTHING!!!! i hurt my hand ysd..by......p.a.p.e.r....!!!! ya the stupid paper cut my hand and it was real pain lah...ysd noticed a new staff ..he's really tall and cute ...fair with big eyes..but when he talk to me i was totally dunbfounded!!!!~~~"help A gay~~~!!!" he speaks like a gay.. i guess God did give him good looks but forgot to give him more male hormones ...

p.s finally i had sushi today...yummy..heavenly!!! V(>0<)/

Saturday, March 10, 2007

today went to church service...Sy Roger came to speak he's quite cute..he said one sentence which i think is really good...he said:" life can only be understood by looking backwards but must be living forward".

i had burger king afr the service..today the last song tt we sang in church is damn nice...tml i'm going to work in Regent.muz save up now the bus fare is killing me.....

i want to go back home!!!! want to go back so so so much... but i want to spend ester in singapore...and poly is starting real soon... all in a mess~~~~~~

God is good =)

meijun said she will pray for me to go Tp.. but i believe God oso had a plan for me...but i really want to go tp with my friends...many many friends...wadever lah...

some nice sentences to share...

我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程; 我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒





生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见的;记住的,遗忘了。 生命

中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。 然而,看不






oh rite...i pity him
she's even shorter than a fake Mr bean!!!!

tt was a childish trick....look at my lower lip...soooooooooo thick...hehe

Thursday, March 8, 2007


男:是你在那个雨季 走进我生命带着一点任性 和温柔的表情

女:是你在那个雨季 赶走了孤寂温暖的笑容 换我仅有的甜蜜

男:天上一万颗星星我却只看见你你说这是幸运 还是不可思议

女:身边有太多风景 我却停在这里说我傻的可以 还不是因为你















i'm very bored at home so i was searching for some Xiao gui's photo...coz recently i found he's really CUTE!!! ppl...listen to my music ...the song is sang by 小鬼and 卓文宣very nice song....Xiao Gui Rocks!!!!! 娱乐百分百oso rocks....

原来小鬼的名字是==== 黄鸿升!!! 好俗哦。。

小鬼会画画!!!! 好利害呢。。。

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

we were not suppose to take pic inside the changing room!!!!!
today...WE ( meijun jovin felicia tiffy and me) went to Wild Wild Wet... we are mad .. suddenly have this idea to go wild wild wet.. but it's quite fun .. the Ulah lah is the best... so fun!!!! haha..
but i like the Samsung U shape kind of thing most( meijun call it U tube) ...i play it twice onli because it was very tiring to carry tt rubber boat up ... i didnt get suntan thx to my aunty's lotion...

afr tt meijun tiffy and i went to park way to play arcade... we played the basketball machine and my highest score was onli 113...discovered it was actually a very good game.. can train ur arm muscules....very tiring afr 2 rounds...TODAY I BROKE !!! i took 50 dollars out today onli left 8 dollars...muz save up alr!!!

ps. so we were talking abt wad name meijun will give her child so she said :'' summer!" then tiffany decided to give meijun's child a hilarious name called----------------( Father Low Mama

SHIT!!!!!! i was posted to NYP business management.. when i got the result i almost shocked to death...haix... almost all my DEAR friends go to TP..y me>>>>????? 555555~~~~~ but i was posted to the same course as Yvonne so at least not too bad.. but still thank God ,coz i'm getting my dream business course...and i heard my friends said some ppl even didnt got into any of the 12 choices they made... so i am the lucky one !!! it not sooo shit afr all!!!!! but i still went to TP to appeal ...i really want to go TP business with all my friends there!!! pls pls pls give me a place!!! ( tiffy and nick was in tt course tooo!!!)

so i went back to TP with meijun jovin rihong and sher...plus jasmine and candice..coz me , candice, sher ,rihong all want to appeal...hope all of all will be sucessful !!! WOO~~~

Sunday, March 4, 2007

me and candice !!!
har stylists : jialin jasmine person being tortured: meijun

tian song !! he's a cutie

on friday...meijun tiffy rihong jovin and i went to east coast park cylcle...but they all wake up late except jo and i...haix..ppl can ur have some sense of timing anot???? the day b4 i went to Regent to work..not tired at all jux 3 tables of Japanese eating a farewell dinner...so i went to around 2 am...and the nx day i woke up at 7am.. BRAVO!!!!

anyway..we cycled for 2 hours....till the end of east coast park.. tiffy's face was funni all the way coz she's too tired ...need more exercise Tiffy , u cant sit in front of ur com for 12 hr and sleep for 12 hr...we meet mandy zhengyun waiyin and the monkey on the way... we took 15 to rihong's house and when the bus pass by marine parade library..me and tiffy kind of sad..because we really miss the time studying for our prelim and o level there with meijun nick rihong and sometimes daryl...we had a lot fun studying while meijun peeing on the MJC guy...haha...it's sad when u know time cant stop or reverse for you T_T

we reached rihong's house and we played with her babie tian song..so adorable...but i guess i onli can handle a kid for a moment...when he cries i couldnt take it....

cell group meeting at bona vista...i walked and feeling so sick of the long way.. but the words are great...

Saturday, March 3, 2007


1.想做女王还是公主。 公主

2.怎样做自己呢? 现在就是做自己咯!

3.如何做好人? 好人的定义有好多种吧。。心地善良就是好人

4.最近都在忙什么? 忙睡觉。。忙打工。。反正我不是很忙

5.在2006年做的最后悔的事是什么?学习应该在努力一点。。Olevel 就可以更好了

6.宝贝,是喜欢忙碌奔波的生活还是悠闲自在却又无聊的生活?说明理由 忙一点好。。。

人,你会怎么办?相信时间的力量选择等待,等他明白你才是他最该珍惜的人还是? 分开!!!他不喜欢我干嘛要跟我在一起!!


9.对现在的生活满意么? ok la

10.大家一定要快快乐乐,天天晒牙齿,好吗? 晒牙齿干嘛?

11.父母的幸福快乐最重要还是自己的最重要? 父母吧。。

12.最想实现的一个心愿是什么? 我以后要做个有用的人。。

13.你认为文字对于你而言有什么特殊的意义? communication


15.新年到了,大家最想对身边最爱的人说点什么? 我会用我的快乐带给你永远的快乐和幸福

16.如果你中了500万,你第一想法是什么? oh really ??? SHIT!!!

17.平安夜大家都最想和谁一起过? 朋友。。。爱的人。。。家人。。大家最好一起过

18.新年到了,你最想给谁买礼物? 妈妈

19.怎样对待网聊? 不错。。但是网上有坏人

20.性格真的决定命运么? YES of course!!!

21.如何把握好爱和喜欢的区别? 爱只有一次,可是喜欢可以有很多次

22.你有红颜知己么?如果有会不会变成情人? 以前有。。情人变不成连朋友都做不成

23.培根曾说,对于爱情,如果得不到回应,那么只能换来深置内心的蔑视,你做何感想? 爱情吗?? 很好啊。。每个人都应该经历。。

24.爱自己和爱别人的比例你认为多少更合适? 爱自己多一点点

25.当你对于一件事情心理矛盾的时候,你会怎么办? say it out loud

26:爱情、友情、亲情在你心中的排列顺序是? 这个问题太难。。。

27:你们觉得认识点你们名字的人,幸福吗? 当然当然

29如果失去了某件心爱的物品,你会立刻买件新的吗?还是等一段时间看看能不能找回来呢? 能找回来吗?那就买新的吧

30:你们觉得为自己深爱的人付出了许多许多许多..,但是他/她最后和你提出分开是一件幸福的事吗? 还用问吗 当然不是。。


33:扪心自问,自己是个怎么样的人?说说自己的优点吧! 我是个好人啊。。。哈哈哈哈

34.你觉得你有什么心理的问题 ? 除了有虐待小孩的心理,其他都很健康。

35. 這個周五和周六是個舉國狂歡的好日子。。沒錯~! 什么日子? 我去church

36.喜欢夏天还是冬天? 冬天


38.啊了的问题:被点名心情如何? 很好啊

39.小肥:你想打我吗???? 你欠打吗?

40:franky的问题:郭德纲和赵本山你更喜欢哪个? 赵本山。。

41. C的问题:你拜金么?如实回答 不会。。钱都花在有用的地方了。。

42. 雪闻的问题: 要是被剃了光头怎么办???男女都要答..不男不女的可以不答- - 戴帽子。。

43:吴璀的问题:说说初恋带给你的感觉。 现在感觉慢慢不见了。。我的初恋是暗恋

45:菜菜的问题:你觉得你身边有很难和你正常沟通的朋友吗? 举例 你怎么对待他.. 有啊。。通常都是我在讲话


47.Lotus的问题:你愿不愿意发生过的事情重来一遍? 可以,但是要看是哪件事

48.Bottle的问题:相信童话吗?如果相信,你希望变成什么(出现在神话传说,童话中的角色都可以)? 童话在现实中有吗?我想当harry potter的女朋友可以吗? 哈哈哈

49.nomoremiss的问题:如果一个你不爱的人向你表白,会接受否? 不知道

50.黑色猫儿的问题:你觉得你活到多少岁最合适? 等我活够了就死

51.冷同學的問題:今年過的好麽? 好

52.岚的问题:祝愿我考进广美.好么? 好啊

53. qiqi的问题:你觉得世界第6维是什么? 虾米东西?

54. vento的问题:你对同性恋理解么?具体说明。 同性恋有点搞不懂自己

55. 诺的问题: 以后不要点我的名字了好么?好,反正我不认识你


57. 太阳的问题:如果请你作我的演唱会嘉宾你觉得是什么原因让我选中你? 因为我是你朋友啊。。。

58. JIALIN的问题:如果有选择,你想出生在那里?

meijun u can have them since u can type chinese

Friday, March 2, 2007

i was playing pool with von and xiao on thurs...ya it's quite fun and we did have a great time learning how to play..but it's very paisea palying pool while a lot of Ahbeng around us oso playing ...haix we are too lousy...

i haven update my blog for a few days..because of my suxy internet connection.. damn it...today i went to east coast with rihong meijun tiffy and jovin.. we saw waiyin and kenedy the monkey oso....and rite now i'm typing in rihong's house while the rest are wtching The Way Home ( korean show) ....later i have CELL group meetin at Bona Vista....and tml i have CHURCH !!!!!

ps felicia's blog has some pics which made me laugh my ass off LOL

my boring yet fun life !!!!

recently had huge crush on sapphire blue, but still trying to like apples :) love
Jesus, traveling with friends,슈퍼주니어-OR! wish
Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3, more Zipia!

February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009

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